This site is a resource for electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) development for CSU Channel Islands Nursing Students. The goal is that new graduate student nurses have the ability to produce their own personalized  ePortfolio that can be shared when seeking employment. A well developed ePortfolio can articulate professional goals and nursing philosophy, demonstrate learning experiences during the educational path, and showcase work examples and professional achievements. Although employers may still request a printed resume, the ePortfolio can present a more unique, humanized connection to the applicant with inclusion of images, videos, project examples, and digital badges.


Explore ePortfolio research and resources further:

Dion, K. W. (2008) Why you need an electronic professional portfolio? American Nurse Today.

Garrett, B. M.,  MacPhee, M., Jackson, C. (2013). Evaluation of an eportfolio for the assessment of clinical competence in a baccalaureate nursing program, Nurse Education Today, 33, 1207-1213

Green, J., et al., Electronic portfolios in nursing education: A review of the literature, Nurse Education in Practice (2013),

Poster by Migl, K. S. & Powell, R. M. The e-Portfolio: Providing a showcase for student accomplishments for potential employers and evidence of BSN learning outcomes.

McMillan, L. R., & Fox, M. (2016). Gathering meaningful artifacts: Integrating the Technology of e-Portfolio into Heath Care Professional Education. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 16 (3).